I had already installed this app on apple iPad. I want to log in on my Samsung phone, how can I?2/24/2019 Android and iOS are different platforms. You have to download the app from GooglePlay if you want to use it on your Samsung phone.
Our Android apps, like all apps in the Google Play store, are delivered by Google through a combination or Google Internet servers and the Google Play app – if you have problems downloading an Android app Google do provide some information at the follow webpage:
https://support.google.com/googleplay/troubleshooter/4592924 Before contacting us with any issues with our apps please make sure that you have tried the following procedures:
Shortly after you do the above, so long as your selected mobile Android device is connected to the Internet, the app should start downloading to your mobile device.If you are still having issues please contact us providing as much information as possible to aid a speedy response. Payment for our apps, like all Android apps sold through the Google Play store, is processed by Google.
This unfortunately means that we cannot resolve problems paying for apps if they occur. Google provide some information about paying for apps and how to troubleshoot issues on this webpage. If you still have problems, please write us - use Help link on the right side: If you have experienced an issue with payments or billing, please contact App Store or Google Play you made your purchase through.
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