Driving Lessons Course Online
Animated interactive driving lessons and 3D traffic situations
1. Junctions
1.1 T-junctions
1.2 Y-Junctions
1.3 Junctions on bends
1.4 Unmarked junctions
1.5 Roundabouts/multiple roundabouts
1.6 Mini roundabouts/ Double mini roundabouts
1.7 Junctions on hills
1.8 Junctions on dual carriageways
1.9 Staggered junctions
2. Crossroads
2.1 Crossroads
2.2 Unmarked crossroads
3. On the road:
3.1 Awareness and anticipation - buses, cyclists, emergency vehicles
3.2 Road positioning - normal driving, on bends, passing a junction
3.3 Stopping/Separation distance - defensive driving
3.4 Overtaking - on dual carriageways, rural roads
3.5 Pedestrian crossings
3.6 Tunnels
3.7 Trams or LRT (light rapid transit) systems
4. Manoeuvres
4.1 Reversing - round to the left/right
4.2 Turning around
4.3 Parking - parking bay, parallel park
Practical driving test
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